Postdoctoral Position INAF-OAAb / University of Naples

The University of Naples is opening a postdoctoral position for a young researcher to work on theoretical models (stars and related nucleosynthesis), in particular, s and i process in massive/intermediate stars. The subject  is also connected to the problem of the pollution in globular clusters and multiple population scenarios, but not only.

The postdoc will work at the INAF-OAAb (the Teramo Observatory) and will collaborate also with my colleagues, Luciano Piersanti, Sergio Cristallo and Diego Vescovi, as well as with other 2 postdocs, who are working on the r process, and 2 PhD students.

The position is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, under a project of nuclear physics (PI Andreas Best/ University of Napoli), devoted to the measurements of the 22Ne(alpha,n/gamma) reaction rates at the Bellotti facility of the nearby Gran Sasso underground laboratory of the INFN. Oscar Straniero is supervisor of the theory WG.

The net monthly salary is around 2000 euros, which is of a high standard for Italian levels, and Teramo, about 30 minutes from both the Adriatic Sea and the Gran Sasso mountain chain, has relatively low costs of living. Additional funds for attending workshops/meetings are available.

Here is the link to the call (deadline October 30):
Please contact Dr. Best () and/or Dr. Straniero () for further assistance.


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