Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos – Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics
Nuclear astrophysics studies the origin of the chemical elements: from the Big Bang, to stellar burning, and to neutron star mergers. ChETEC-INFRA networks the three types of infrastructures that, together, provide the capabilities needed for this quest: astronuclear laboratories supply reaction data, supercomputer facilities perform stellar structure and nucleosynthesis computations, and telescopes and mass spectrometers collect elemental and isotopic abundance data. – About ChETEC-INFRA.
ChETEC-INFRA is an open community and you are welcome to sign up (via indico) if you are interested in, benefit from, or contribute to ChETEC-INFRA.
ChETEC-INFRA offers Trans-national Access (TA) to 14 infrastuctures.
Proposal templates are available for each infrastructure.
Masterclasses on Nuclear Astrophysics for High School students.
Latest News
- Interdisciplinary Physics of the Sun
- Professor Evgeni Hristov Semkov
- ChETEC-INFRA extended and Bellotti Ion Beam Facility formally added as Transnational Access Facility
See News page for all news.
Latest Publications
A list of the most recent publications is available on ADS.
Upcoming Events
- February 17, 2025 14:30 CET
Transnational Access “Office Hours” - February 24, 2025 15:00 CET
Introduction ChETEC-INFRA Masterclasses – please sign up here
December 9, 2024: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics at Monash University
January 21, 2025: Full Professor of Experimental Astrophysics / University of Vienna
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Conferences/Meetings/Workshops | Internal Meetings | Schools/SNAQs | Transnational Access | PhD Vacancies | PostDoc Vacancies | Faculty/Staff Vacancies |
You are able to use https://www.chetec-infra.eu/?mec-ical-feed=1 URL to subscribe to our events.