Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2021 Announced

As part of Working Package 7, ChETEC-INFRA co-supports established Nuclear Astrophysics Scientific Schools (Task 7.2). Originally planned for 2020, the 29th edition of the Carpathian Summer School of Physics is now re-scheduled to take place in-person in August 2021 and is open for registrations.

Please refer to the announcement below and the school website for the first circular and additional details.

We announce the 29th edition of the Carpathian Summer School of Physics on Aug. 18-27, 2021, in Sinaia, Romania.

We decided that we have the need and conditions for re-starting the in-person meetings, in particular the schools, involving the direct contact between the generations. The CSSP20 school was postponed from July 2020 due to the coronavirus crisis, and now we are convinced that resilience and courage meet with the improved health conditions in Romania, Europe and many parts of the world.

Details of the events are included in the attached First circular and can be found on the website of the event at, where you can register.

We mention here the availability of fellowships for students.