Call for Transnational Access Projects Open until May 17

Proposals for Transnational Access (TA) projects for the current call are collected until May 17, 2023. EU-funded transnational access is available at all 13 ChETEC-INFRA Partner Facilities, including the Van de Graaff accelerator at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, providing beam for the measurement of neutron-induced reactions.

TA is open to researchers worldwide, providing access to accelerator laboratories, observatories, or a high-performance computing cluster for their scientific research in the field of Nuclear Astrophysics. – Access is provided at no cost to the user, and hands-on facilities may also have travel support available for users.

More information on eligibility and the application process for transnational access is available on this site. Virtual office hours are held weekly on Zoom, available to discuss questions around the Transnational Access program.