Spanish‐German WE-Heraeus-Seminar Date: 29 Jun – 04 Jul 2025Location: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany Scientific organizers:Prof. Dr. Daniel Bemmerer, HZDR Dresden‐Rossendorf • Prof. Dr. Markus Roth, Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg • Dr. Aldo Serenelli, ICE, CSIC Cerdanyola del Valles/E The physical understanding of our Sun is in many ways foundation science. Its applications range from the Sun …
Author Archives: ChETEC-INFRA
Professor Evgeni Hristov Semkov
The ChETEC-INFRA scientific community and consortium announce with great sadness the passing of its General Assembly member and PI of the ChETEC-INFRA infrastructure at the Rozhen telescope, Professor Evgeni Hristov Semkov, on December 29, 2024, after a brief illness. Evgeni Semkov graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bulgaria with a degree in astronomy. …
ChETEC-INFRA extended and Bellotti Ion Beam Facility formally added as Transnational Access Facility
The European Union has informed the ChETEC-INFRA consortium that based on our request, the project duration of ChETEC-INFRA is extended to 54 months, with a new formal end date 31 October 2025. The total amount of funding does not change. Also, the Bellotti Ion Beam Facility (Gran Sasso LUNA-MV) has now formally been added to …
14th Transnational Access Facility provisionally added to ChETEC-INFRA
After a very well-received presentation by Dr. Matthias Junker at the ChETEC-INFRA 4th General Assembly in Strasbourg, France, the Bellotti Ion Beam Facility by INFN is provisionally added as a 14th Transnational Access facility to ChETEC-INFRA. The Bellotti Ion Beam Facility was inaugurated at the deep-underground Gran Sasso National Laboratory in October 2023. Its 3.5MV …
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Nuclear Astrophysicists meet for 4th ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly and TA User Meeting in Strasbourg
On May 27 and 28, the ChETEC-INFRA consortium met in Strasbourg. Hosted by IPHC, the 4th General Assembly brought together consortium members and nuclear astrophysicists from outside the consortium, to discuss developments in nuclear astrophysics and catch up on developments of the Research and Networking activities within ChETEC-INFRA, as well as the Infrastructures in the …
Workshop on “Big Three” Fusion Reactions now Open for Registrations
A workshop on the state of the art for 12C(α,γ)16O, 12C+12C fusion, and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg in nuclear astrophysics will be held on May 29, 2024, in Strasbourg. Participant registration to join the workshop on-site or online is now open.
Registration Opens for 4th General Assembly
The fourth ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly will be held in Strasbourg from May 27 to 28, 2024. As for previous Assemblies – online, in Padua and in Debrecen – the program will feature progress reports from within the project, as well as scientific talks in the field of nuclear astrophysics in general. Registrations on the conference …
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Transnational Access to 13 Facilities: Proposals Collected until February 17, 2024
The Transnational Access program of ChETEC-INFRA supports access to 13 European infrastructures for nuclear astrophysics studies. Facilities include observatories, ion-beam accelerator laboratories, and a high-performance computing cluster. Access can be provided in different ways. While some facilities mainly offer access in visitor mode (users traveling to the facility to conduct their project with financial support …
Statement on the Hamas Attack on Israel
The ChETEC-INFRA community strongly denounces the heinous, terrorist assault that was launched against Israel on October 7, 2023. The scientific community in the field of nuclear astrophysics in Europe expresses its solidarity with the Israeli people, particularly the scientists and their families who have been impacted, and especially to our ChETEC-INFRA partners at the Hebrew …
Call for Transnational Access Proposals: Visitor and Service Mode at Facilities
ChETEC-INFRA’s Transnational Access program offers access to 13 facilities in the field of nuclear astrophysics, spanning from accelerator laboratories for accelerator mass spectrometry (at DREAMS and VERA), accelerator facilities for ion beam experiments (Felsenkeller Accelerator Laboratory, Tandem Accelerator at the University of Cologne, Cyclotron at Atomki, van-de-Graaff accelerator at the University of Frankfurt, Tandetron accelerator …
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