Transnational Access to 13 Facilities: Proposals Collected until February 17, 2024

The Transnational Access program of ChETEC-INFRA supports access to 13 European infrastructures for nuclear astrophysics studies. Facilities include observatories, ion-beam accelerator laboratories, and a high-performance computing cluster.

Access can be provided in different ways. While some facilities mainly offer access in visitor mode (users traveling to the facility to conduct their project with financial support available for their travel), and others focus on service mode access (work on site at the facility performed by local staff in coordination with the users), a number of facilities are available to offer access in ways most suitable for the science case at hand. Facility access is provided free of charge to the user, and awarded based solely on scientific merit of the proposal. Scientists with affiliations from any other country than the country of the facility are eligible to submit proposals.

The next collection date for proposals is February 17, 2024. The following call will be open until May 2024.

General information on Transnational Access, contact information and the link for the weekly open “office hours” on Zoom can be found on this page.